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Family of John^5 (Johannes) Van Wicklen

John^5 (Johannes) Van Wicklen (Gerrit^4, Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 1776, Newtown, NY

Married: Sarah Van Arsdalen (alias Simonson-see notes in source section)(b. 1806, Jamaica, NY) 6 January 1825 Jamaica South

1. Johannes^6 (John) Van Wicklen, b. 1825, Jamaica, NY
2. Nicholas^6 Van Wicklen, b. 1827, Jamaica, NY
3. Evert^6 Van Wicklen, b. 1831, Jamaica, NY
4. Garret^6 Van Wicklen, b. 1835, Jamaica, NY

John's parents are Gerrit and Phebe (Covert) Van Wicklen
Sarah's parents are probably Nicholas and Sarah (Ammerman) Van Arsdalen

Background information:

John^5 (Johannes) Van Wicklen
(Gerrit^4, Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. 1776, Newtown, NY. He died September 1834. He married Sarah Van Arsdalen (alias Simonson) (b. 5 August 1806 and bap. 31 August 1806, Jamaica RDC) January 1825k Jamaica South. She died 14 August 1883 at age 77-0-12 in Newtown "of old age and heart disease.

Children: Johannes^6 (John) Van Wicklen was b. 19 September 1825 and bap. 23 October 1825, Jamaica RDC, NY. He married Hannah M. _____; Nicholas^6 Van Wicklen was b. 23 June 1827 and bap. 26 July 1827, Jamaica RDC, NY. He married Harriet _____; Evert^6 Van Wicklen was b. 23 September 1831 and bap. 25 December 1831, Jamaica RDC, NY. He married Hannah Jane Williams, 4 July 1851, Brooklyn; Garret^6 Van Wicklen was b. 16 February 1835 and bap. 15 March 1835, Jamaica RDC, NY. 


Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 246-8.

Harry Macy research notes on John^5 (Johannes) Van Wicklen...
John^5 not baptized but named (as youngest) in father's will (1803). Brother Evert's will names his son, Johannes (1830). See also brother Gerrit's will 1828.

LIFarmer 6 Jan25: m at Jamaica South, Mr. John VW, aged 48 to Miss Sarah Simonson, aged 18. Gritman: 7 April 1848 "Susan" Simonson wd John VW adm to RDC, Jamaica (do 21 April 1848, 112-24)

Son Evert, Eagle 24 July51: City 4th inst. Evert VW of Jamaica to HJW dau Edward.

Was his widow the Sarah Elizabeth VW, Jamaica who married Richard Spragg, Newtown, at Jamaica RDC 16 Oct1850, John VW and Caty Boerum (gbr111-203). The UG 2-378 says he was Richard W. Spragg widow of Sarah Jane Leverich b. 1815, a niece of Sarah N who married GVW.

John left all 30 September 1834 (F:111, Jamaica) to wife Sarah and to Abraham Van Ausdall of Bushwick. Elected an Inspector of Common Schools 1821, 1822 (JTR 4:255,257) GBR 111:100 Jamaica RDC - m 31 March 1838 - Walter Peck, New Lots and Sarah Simonson, widow of John Van Wicklen

Hennenlotter says Garret's son John VW and Sarah (Amerman) no issue; wife ___, d. before Civil War, bur. Cypress Hills.

1850 US Census for Jamaica, Queens, NY lists Sarah Van Wicklen, 48, b. NY with Nicholas, 23, John, 25, Evert, 19, and Garrett, 17 (all children b. NY with occupation of farming). Also in household are Stephen Wilson, 11, and James L. Rapelyea, 79, no occup.

1860 US Census for Jamaica, Queens, NY lists Nicholas Van Wicklen, 32, farm laborer, with Harriett, 24, Elinore (Elvira?), George, 2, and William, 8 mos. All b. NY

1860 US Census for Jamaica, Queens, NY lists John Van Wicklen, 35, with wife, Hannah, 28, dressmaker, and John H., 6, and Catharine, 5

Brooklyn Eagle, 12 September 1860, page 2. Bold Robbery. On Friday night last the house of Mr. Garret Van Wicklen residing at Woodhaven, was entered by a thief and robbed of a considerable amount in money and clothing. Mr. Van Wicklen sleeps in the lower portion of his house, and always keeps a loaded gun at the head of his bed to give a warm reception to any person who might have a desire to appropriate his property for their own use. Late on Friday night a robber entered his premises by prying open a window, a proceeded very stealthily to the room where Mr. Van Wicklen slept. The thief commenced gathering up what he could find. In a short time the sleeper awoke and cried out, "Who is there? Answer me or I will blow your brains out," and at the same time he felt for his gun, which, of course, was not there, as it had been previously removed by the rascal. No answer being given, Mr. V sprang from the bed, and at the same time the thief ran out of the front door, which he had opened for the purpose of escaping in case he was compelled to do it in a hurry. Mr. V, not finding his gun, felt for his clothes, which were also gone, and after a search of a few minutes he discovered his gun, which he immediately fired to arouse the neighbors. The robber in the meantime had carried away Mr. V.'s clothes and fifty-two dollars in money. Several persons started in pursuit of the thief and ran him so closely that he dropped the clothes he had taken and ran down the Jamaica South Plank Road, where he was tracked as far as the railroad, when his tracks were lost. On examining the clothes an account book was found in one of the pockets in which was seventeen dollars which had escaped the notice of the rascal in his hurry to escape. The thief, however, secured thirty-five dollars, with which he escaped. - Long Island Farmer

American Civil War Soldiers (Ancestry.com) lists Garrett Van Viklin enlisting on 22 June 1861 at age 25 as Pvt. in Co B, 42nd IR, NY and receiving a disability discharge from Co B, 42nd IR, NY on 15 August 1862, Washington, DC (Is this possibly Garret Van Wicklen above? He is the only one is the Van Wicklen data base at present who is of the right age. Then again, Van Viklen could be an authentic surname and not one of the many misrepresentations of Van Wicklen)

1870 US Census for Jamaica, Queens, NY lists John Van Wicklen, 45, farm laborer, with wife, Hannah, 40, keeping house, and John H., 16, works on farm, Catharine, 14, at school, Samuel, 10, at school, and Sarah, 3. 

1880 U.S. Census for Queens, NY, Dist. 276 lists Evart Van Wicklen, 48, head, with wife Hannah J., 46, son John E., 27, son Richard S., 22, son George W., 10, mother Sarah, 72, and daughter-in-law Mary A., 19. 

1893 - Garret Van Wicklin, Pvt, Infantry, Civil War, died 30 Sept 1893, buried at Section A, Site 1627 Loudon Park National Cemetery, Baltimore, MD (Uncertain as to whether this Garret is the one on this family page.)

Van Wicklen Cemetery - Circa 1900 on Old South Road, Jamaica South, L.I. includes Janet Van Wicklen, b. 17 Oct 1841 and d. 20 Mar 1891 (wife of Garret Van Wicklen). Is this a wife of this Garret VW? There is also Sarah Maria Van Wicklen, b. 26 Jan 1849 and d. 6 may 1849.

Brooklyn Eagle (31 August 1849, p. 4) Legal Notices

...and also, that certain other lot, place or parcel of land situated and being in the town of Jamaica aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows: beginning at the southeast corner thereof, on the line dividing it from land belonging to the heirs of H. L. Van Wicklen, deceased: thence running westerly along Centreville Avenue (as the same is laid down on a map of part of the real estate of the said John Van Wicklen, deceased, made January 7th A. D. 1837, by Martin Johnson, surveyor, fourteen chains, fifty five links; thence northerly twelve chains, forty seven links to a stake at the northwest corner of this land adjoining land of Stephen H. Lott: thence northeasterly along the line dividing this piece of land from the land of said Lott, eight chains, twenty six links: thence easterly along said division line six chains, twenty nine links: thence easterly along the said division line between this and land of unknown owner four chains, thirty five links to land belonging to the heirs of H.L. Van Wicklen, along Wycoff avenue as the same is laid down on said map, twenty two chains, eighty four links, a direct course to the place of beginning--containing twenty nine acres, one quarter, and thirty one perches of land, and being the same premises said and conveyed to the said Abraham H. Van Wyck by John Johnson, guardian etc. of John T. Van Wicklen, Nicholas Van Wicklen, Evert Van Wicklen, Garret Van Wicklen and Sarah E. Van Wicklen, infant children and heirs of John Van Wicklen, late of said town of Jamaica.  (H.L. Van Wicklen in this paragraph is Hendrick Lott Van Wicklin, Sr. and the John Van Wicklen and children are John^5 Van Wicklen (Gerrit^4, Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes)